Capital Allowances for: Veterinary practices

Veterinary practices and animal hospitals offer facilities for the medical treatment of animals including examination, diagnosis and general health care. Veterinary practices often also include surgery and treatment rooms to provide operations and health care to the animals on site.

Capital allowances allow veterinary practices to deduct the cost of qualifying assets from their taxable profits, leading to significant reductions in tax liability. This means more of your hard-earned revenue can be reinvested into your practice.

Capital allowances cover expenditures on essential infrastructure such as examination tables, surgical suites, HVAC systems, and lighting. Upgrading these elements ensures a safe, comfortable, and efficient environment for both animals and staff.

No upfront fee

Our team, are here to build a long term relationship with you and your business, and that's why we don't need hourly rates or day rates - we only bill when your claim is successful.


Unlocked for our clients through well prepared, robust and successful UK commercial tax relief claims.


Was the total value of UK Capital Allowances claims minus balancing charges in the 2021 to 2022 financial year (HMRC Stat).

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What costs can be claimed?

In the UK, capital allowances are categorized into different “pools” which determine the rate at which you can claim tax relief on your capital expenditures. Here are the primary cost pools for claiming UK capital allowances:

Main Pool Allowances

This pool typically includes most plant and machinery used in a business. The main pool qualifies for the Writing Down Allowance (WDA) at a rate of 18% per year on a reducing balance basis.

Special Rate Allowances

The special rate pool includes assets that have a slower depreciation rate and qualifies for the WDA at a rate of 6% per year on a reducing balance basis.

Structures and Building Allowances (SBA's)

Introduced for contracts entered into on or after October 29, 2018, the SBA allows businesses to claim 3% per year on the cost of constructing, renovating, or converting non-residential structures and buildings. This allowance is claimed on a straight-line basis over 33 1/3 years.

Capital allowance claims for Veterinary practices

Facilities are often updated to meet health and safety requirements and ensure they are hygienic and safe for the animals. Capital allowances are available on a variety of assets within a property such as medical equipment, oxygen tanks, X-ray machines, monitoring and testing facilities, and animal welfare equipment. Additional features embedded inside the property include electrical power and lighting, ventilation systems, heating systems and hot and cold-water systems.

Since the 29th of October 2018, an additional allowance referred to as Structures and Buildings Allowances has been available for eligible expenditure. This has significantly improved the level of return from capital allowances reports for new build purchases and new construction/fit out works as items such as internal walls and partitions, internal doors and flooring and external works qualify for Structures and Buildings Allowances.

Sectors We Service

Our team comprises seasoned tax professionals and surveyors with extensive experience in the nuances of capital allowances. We stay abreast of the latest legislation and best practices, ensuring you receive the maximum relief available.

We conduct thorough assessments of your capital expenditures, meticulously identifying all qualifying assets. From plant and machinery to integral building features, our detailed approach ensures nothing is overlooked.

















Uncover your business’s Capital Allowances potential with
our expert team.

Claiming capital allowances may seem hard at first, but at the BSE Group, we’re here to help you through the process. Our time within the financial field has given us the expertise needed to help your business claim tax relief. Unlock the hidden value in your capital expenditures with our help.

Contact us today for a free initial consultation and see how our Capital Allowance Team can transform your tax strategy and enhance your financial performance.

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