Brewing Equipment

Successful R&D tax credit claim for innovative brewing and beverage process and packaging equipment business.

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Key numbers

Food & Drink

Client Sector


Latest claim amount

2 Years

Time with RDS

£55,000 cash boost through R&D

RDS were delighted to work closely with a well respected company with 15 years history of supplying process and packaging equipment particularly to the growing craft brewing industry in both domestic and export markets.

The fast growth in canning of canning within the brewing industry led to the business developing their own bespoke beer canning system for our new and existing customers.

Starting from scratch the company embarked on a steep learning curve three years ago requiring significant development resource and finance to bring this new product to Market.

“I have to say the support and assistance that we have received from RDS during this ongoing development process has been second to none and the support that we have received from Mark Joyner and his team has been consistently first class at all times.

This support has enabled the business to receive significant R&D funding support from the Government which we might otherwise have over looked and which has certainly helped our bottom line during this challenging period.

I would have no hesitation in recommending RDS and look forward to continuing to work with RDS in the future.”

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Case Studies

Food & Drink

Lift Company

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Food & Drink

Fleet Management

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Food & Drink

Brewing Equipment

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Food & Drink

Lighting Manufacturer

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Food & Drink

Logistics Company

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Cras egestas tempor molestie

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Ready to get started?

With three UK office locations we are always on hand for a call or to meet in person. Start your journey with RDS today.

Start your claim 0330 055 0047